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Cablu își îndeplinește rolul. Oculus Quest 3 se descarcă în continuare după conectare, dar mult mai lent - exact așa cum mă așteptam, poate fi utilizat câteva ore bune.
Kabel spełnia swoją rolę. Oculus Quest 3 wciąż się rozładowuje po podlaczeniu, ale znacznie wolniej - czyli dokładnie tak jak się spodziewałem, można pociągnąć kilka dobrych godzin.
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Kristian R
Funcționează excelent pentru Quest 2 PCVR. (Scriver anmeldelsen på engelsk så fler kan forstå:)
Quest 2 și instrumentul Occulus de pe PC trec testul de viteză a conexiunii: 2,6 Gbps USB3.
Încărcarea USB funcționează de asemenea.
Cablu robust si usor greu.
Am jucat 2 ore de Half Life Alyx la 120Hz, rezoluție 5408x2736 (totală) la 2000Mbps bitrate fix (copy-paste numere mai mari de 500 în instrumentul de depanare Oculus) și codificare H.264. Funcționează fără probleme, arată grozav, iar căștile mele sunt încă la încărcare de 70%. Oricum, nu cred că a fost 100% când am început.
Comandat pe 8 iulie, sosit pe 19 iulie. A fost trimis de la Varșovia la Oslo.
Works great for Quest 2 PCVR. (Skriver anmeldelsen på engelsk så fler kan forstå:)
Quest 2 and Occulus tool on PC passes the connection speed test: 2.6Gbps USB3.
The USB charging works as well.
Sturdy and slightly heavy cable.
I played 2 hours of Half Life Alyx at 120Hz, 5408x2736 (total) resolution at 2000Mbps fixed bitrate (copy-paste higher numbers than 500 into Oculus debug tool) and H.264 encoding. It runs smooth, looks great, and my headset is still at 70% charge. I dont think it was 100% when I started anyways.
Ordered 8th July, arrived 19th July. Was sent from Warzaw to Oslo.
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Krystian Guzowski
E ok.In loc sa tina 3 ore, bateria poate tine pana la 8 (uneori 9 – in functie de ce joc joci), dar tot se descarca ceea ce m-a surprins avand in vedere pretul.
Cu toate acestea, cred că este o achiziție bună. Îl recomand tuturor celor care doresc să joace PCVR - redarea prin cablu este mult mai lină și mai convenabilă decât prin Wi-Fi, unde uneori ochelarii nu pot ține pasul cu generarea imaginii și poate întârzia. Btw, ochelarii au fost achiziționați recent cu un cablu, așa că nu știu dacă timpul de joc cu cablul conectat constant la ochelari va scădea în timp.
Jest ok. Bateria zamiast wytrzymywać 3h, daje radę wytrzymać nawet i 8 (czasem 9 - zależy w co się gra), ale nadal się rozładowuje, co mnie zaskoczyło jak na taką cenę.
Uważam jednak że to dobry zakup. Polecam wszystkim którzy chcą grać PCVR - granie przez kabel jest o wiele płynniejsze i wygodniejsze niż przez wi-fi, w którym czasem gogle nie nadążają generować obrazu + potrafi przylagować. Btw gogle nabyte niedawno razem z kablem, więc nie wiem czy czas gry przy bez przerwy podłączonym kablu do gogli się nie zmniejszy z czasem.
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Evaluarea clientului a produsului: Bun: Excelent

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The cable fulfills its role. Oculus Quest 3 still discharges after being connected, but much slower - exactly as I expected, you can get a few good hours out of it.
Kabel spełnia swoją rolę. Oculus Quest 3 wciąż się rozładowuje po podlaczeniu, ale znacznie wolniej - czyli dokładnie tak jak się spodziewałem, można pociągnąć kilka dobrych godzin.
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Kristian R
Works great for Quest 2 PCVR. (Skriver anmeldelsen på engelsk så fler kan forstå:)
Quest 2 and Occulus tool on PC passes the connection speed test: 2.6Gbps USB3.
The USB charging works as well.
Sturdy and slightly heavy cable.
I played 2 hours of Half Life Alyx at 120Hz, 5408x2736 (total) resolution at 2000Mbps fixed bitrate (copy-paste higher numbers than 500 into Oculus debug tool) and H.264 encoding. It runs smooth, looks great, and my headset is still at 70% charge. I dont think it was 100% when I started anyways.
Ordered 8th July, arrived 19th July. Was sent from Warzaw to Oslo.
Works great for Quest 2 PCVR. (Skriver anmeldelsen på engelsk så fler kan forstå:)
Quest 2 and Occulus tool on PC passes the connection speed test: 2.6Gbps USB3.
The USB charging works as well.
Sturdy and slightly heavy cable.
I played 2 hours of Half Life Alyx at 120Hz, 5408x2736 (total) resolution at 2000Mbps fixed bitrate (copy-paste higher numbers than 500 into Oculus debug tool) and H.264 encoding. It runs smooth, looks great, and my headset is still at 70% charge. I dont think it was 100% when I started anyways.
Ordered 8th July, arrived 19th July. Was sent from Warzaw to Oslo.
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Krystian Guzowski
It's ok. Instead of lasting 3 hours, the battery can last up to 8 (sometimes 9 - depending on what game you're playing), but it still discharges, which surprised me considering the price.
However, I think it is a good purchase. I recommend it to everyone who wants to play PCVR - playing via cable is much smoother and more convenient than via Wi-Fi, where sometimes the goggles cannot keep up with generating the image and it can lag. Btw, the goggles were recently purchased with a cable, so I don't know if the playing time with the cable constantly connected to the goggles will decrease over time.
Jest ok. Bateria zamiast wytrzymywać 3h, daje radę wytrzymać nawet i 8 (czasem 9 - zależy w co się gra), ale nadal się rozładowuje, co mnie zaskoczyło jak na taką cenę.
Uważam jednak że to dobry zakup. Polecam wszystkim którzy chcą grać PCVR - granie przez kabel jest o wiele płynniejsze i wygodniejsze niż przez wi-fi, w którym czasem gogle nie nadążają generować obrazu + potrafi przylagować. Btw gogle nabyte niedawno razem z kablem, więc nie wiem czy czas gry przy bez przerwy podłączonym kablu do gogli się nie zmniejszy z czasem.
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